- uncool
- nicht cool
Jugendsprache Lexikon . 2014.
Jugendsprache Lexikon . 2014.
uncool — 1.angespannt,steif,schüchtern,nichtgelassen 2.geistlos,langweilig,öde 3.unmodern,unzeitgemäß,nichtenvogue;ugs.:nichtangesagt … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
uncool — uncool(Grundwortenglausgesprochen)adj minderwertig,untauglich,unsympathisch,einzelgängerisch.⇨cool.Halbw1965ff … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
uncool — (adj.) 1953, in hipster slang, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + slang sense of COOL (Cf. cool) (adj.) … Etymology dictionary
uncool — ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ not fashionable or impressive … English terms dictionary
uncool — [un ko͞ol′] adj. Slang 1. not having or showing composure or self control; not cool 2. unsophisticated 3. unacceptable, unfashionable, unpleasant, etc., esp. by the standards of a given group … English World dictionary
uncool — adjective Date: 1953 1. lacking in assurance, sophistication, or self control 2. failing to accord with the values or styles (as of dress or behavior) of a particular group ; not accepted or admired as cool or proper < driving an uncool car > … New Collegiate Dictionary
uncool — scheiße (derb); ungeil (umgangssprachlich); doof (umgangssprachlich); lahm (umgangssprachlich) * * * ụn|cool 〈[ ku:l] Adj.; umg.; salopp〉 nicht cool, nicht gelassen, nicht toll, nicht gut ● er möchte nicht uncool wirken; die Party ist uncool … Universal-Lexikon
Uncool — 1. not socially acceptable due to one s behaviour, interests, dress, etc.; totally lacking in cool; daggy: He didn t want to appear uncool ; 2. unfashionable and unsophisticated; not acceptable with regard to current fashions; not in ; daggy:… … Dictionary of Australian slang
uncool — Australian Slang 1. not socially acceptable due to one s behaviour, interests, dress, etc.; totally lacking in cool; daggy: He didn t want to appear uncool ; 2. unfashionable and unsophisticated; not acceptable with regard to current fashions;… … English dialects glossary
uncool — un|cool [ˌʌnˈku:l] adj informal not fashionable or acceptable used especially by young people ▪ Have you seen his shorts? They are just so uncool! ▪ It was uncool to get on well with teachers … Dictionary of contemporary English
uncool — /ʌnˈkul/ (say un koohl) adjective Colloquial 1. displaying an unsophisticated level of emotion, as delight, anger, etc.; gauche. 2. not socially acceptable because of one s awkward behaviour, unfashionable dress, etc.: he didn t want to appear… …